Here is the text from our recent promotion of the Clean Air Campaign. The video can be viewed by clicking on the link below.
This is Jay Holgate with Green Express couriers in Atlanta and I want to put in a plug for my friends at the clean air campaign. I know these guys are working hard to improve Atlanta's air quality.
We got so excited about the Clean Air Campaign that we changed our entire business model to be more earth friendly. Green Express couriers now use hybrid electric cars which emit 80% less toxins than our courier competitors.
Going greener has been great for business too because we picked up hundreds of loyal customers who are committed to a better Atlanta. The Clean Air campaign pushed us to reconsider our office and the resources used in multiple people driving to work every day.
The end result was we closed our office, bought laptop computers and we now have everyone working from home or mobile. We are saving thousands of dollars in fuel per year and time driving back and forth to the office.
Today, Green Express is Atlanta's Only Eco-friendly courier and we service many companies like your who want to do the best thing for our environment.
For more information about our story, go to http://www.greendelivers.com/ .
For more information about the Clean Air Campaign, go to http://www.cleanaircampaign.org/
Go Greener in 2010!
To set up an account with GREEN Express, click on this link.
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