Green Express couriers took one more step in delivering their earth friendly services by joining the U. S. Green Building Council--Atlanta Chapter. The hybrid car courier company could add LEED points to architects, engineers and builders who use their eco-friendly courier company.
Green Express delivers packages in hybrid cars which use less fuel, emit less carbons and are better for the environment. By switching to hybrid cars, Green Express reduced fuel consumption by 50% and carbon emissions by 80% within the first year.
Green Express was named Innovative Company of the Year in 2007 by the
Clean Air Campaign of Georgia. The green couriers have been featured on the Weather Channel and CNN for their work to improve the Atlanta environment.
The U.S. Green Building Council Georgia State Chapter was formed in November 2008 to advance and promote sustainable and environmentally responsible planning, design, construction and operation of the Georgia's buildings, landscapes, cities and communities.
The purpose of the Georgia State Chapter is to:
Provide regularly scheduled opportunities for members to exchange information with other persons having similar interests;
Raise awareness of Green Building principles and practices among the design, construction and real estate communities as well as the general public;
Provide forums for the exchange of ideas;
Form partnerships with other local building-related and environmental organizations; and Promote membership in the U S Green Building Council.
The Georgia State Chapter is the local voice of USGBC, and chapter members are key to raising awareness about green building. Chapter membership also provides excellent networking opportunities, the chance to serve on committees, and chapter member-rate discounts on chapter events.
The Georgia State Chapter is 501(c)3 non-profit organization with branches in Atlanta and Savannah. All branches of the Georgia State Chapter hold monthly meetings and/or monthly events for our members, in addition to holding LEED workshops and sometimes LEED User Groups.
For more information on US Green Building Council, visit and for Green Express couriers, visit