Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Lazy Environmentalist Interviews Green Express Couriers...

I had the pleasure today to talk to Josh Dorfman in Manhattan, New York. Josh is a radio host and has a show on Sirius Satellite Radio called the Lazy Environmentalist. Josh liked the Green Express story of switching to hybrid cars for better fuel efficiency and less toxins in the air.

I told Josh with our outlay of capital for the hybrid vehicles that I went from a lazy environmentalist to a broke environmentalist. I also told Josh about how we made a decision following Hurricane Katrina that we wanted to be part of the crowd that was doing the right thing for people and the planet.

Ultimately, we are in the business of helping people by being better stewards of the environment. We want to do our part.

Josh is an energetic guy and during the live broadcast, he would talk to me during the breaks about environmental stuff. Then I would hear like a crackling noise and he would go back on the air. It was kind of the ultimate in multi-tasking for him. I just kind of held back until he asked a question because I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. It was all good and fun.

We had a caller in Wisconsin ask if there were any hybrid vans on the market because she was a courier and delivered medical products. Josh referred her to a couple car websites.

It was a fun experience and our intent is to spread the word about "green businesses" so more people will get involved and become green entrepreneurs. He didn't mention a "Josh and Jay show" for the future but did say he would like to call back.

For more information about the interview, go to:
