Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Green Express Announces Part-Time Job Opportunity for Atlanta Professionals....
Green Express Sales Program
We just need you to talk up Green Express, Atlanta's Only Hybrid Car Courier Company. If you know a lot of people in Atlanta and you refer them to Green Express, we will pay you for it.
In the Green Express model, our focus is to be different from all other courier companies and efficient in everything we do. We believe we can grow Green Express through a work force of independent salespeople with connections to Atlanta companies. Everybody loves our Green concept, our prices are competitive with other companies, we just need to get the word out in the most efficient way possible.
The Entire Training Program is Below:
The courier business is similar to the overnight delivery of UPS except we make most of our deliveries same day. Couriers deliver packages from one business to another usually in 2-3 hours. Most companies find it too expensive to put a staff person in an insured car to drive a document across town. So companies call couriers to deliver their documents.
We work for businesses, individuals whoever needs stuff picked up. Everybody will at some time find it more convenient to call a courier than to run a errand across town.
Green Express is Atlanta’s Only Hybrid Car Courier Company. Our hybrids get 50+ miles to the gallon and emit 80% less toxins in the air than traditional cars. Atlanta is the #1 city for asthma for kids in the country. We had 47 days of smog alerts in 2006 where Atlanta air quality had exceeded state and federal guidelines and it is unhealthy to be outdoors.
So far this year, our hybrids have reduced 30 tons of greenhouse gases into the Atlanta air. We have reduced demand for fuel and saved our drivers approximately $3000 in fuel expenses.
Our signature piece is our Toyota Prius. At speeds under 30 miles per hour, the car primarily runs on its electric battery which makes it ideal for in-town traffic. In bumper to bumper traffic, the car emits zero toxins.
GPS on Every Driver- No more lost packages. Green Ex knows exactly where our drivers are, how fast they are driving and which direction they are heading. We track it, all the way to delivery.
Email Confirmation of Delivery. No more wondering if the package was delivered. Our system sends an instant email confirming signature and time of delivery. Our On-time delivery rate is consistently 98% on time which is tops in the industry.
On-line Ordering- Our on-line system is very similar to UPS or FedEx system for ordering packages online.
Hours Monday – Friday 8 am -7 pm. We will deliver on weekends if pre-arranged.
For more detailed info http://www.greendelivers.com/ which has link to our blog.
Three Options for Signing Up New Customers:
1) Set them up (using our customer sheet) and fax to our office.
2) Have them call our office by giving them a card. You will have a generic business card which has complete information for contacting our office.
3) Get us a name and number of someone “interested” and we will close out the deal.
4) However, you do it, Carter Hooks will be their representative and will get them all the information they need. Carter will also be your in-office contact. 770-394-3131.
Commission Payment: We pay commissions at the end of every month. For a valid referral, Green Express pays 10% commission for one year. Fuel charges are not included in commission. We cannot pay commission on no-pay accounts. After 60 days, an account is considered no-pay. Checks are mailed and a 1099 is issued at end of year.
The Main Question you will be asking: Does your company use a courier company? Would you switch to a earth friendly courier if the price is the same?
If our referral program works for you, please go to below site and complete short application.